ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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Democratization and Intra-Party Democracy: Bangladesh Experience
Md. Enayet Ullah Patwary

In today's democratic government, political parties play an irrefutable role. Democratic growth and stability are impossible without well-structured political parties. In 1971, Bangladesh won its independence via a brutal battle that aimed to remove oppression and build democracy. Unfortunately, the people of Bangladesh are still denied many of their political rights 50 years after their country gained its freedom.  Political parties played a prominent role in the freedom struggle and the subsequent democratic movement.  But the parties could not succeed in establishing a democratic society as a whole.  Democracies can only function properly if some fundamental ideas are put into practice.  One of these is the democratic process within the political party itself.

The internal democratic practice of political parties in Bangladesh is low.  The role of members in the selection of leadership in parties is very insignificant.  The input of frontline workers is little considered during program development.  Due to the lack of proper democratic practices within the party, the party leadership becomes authoritative and the party is deprived of proper leadership.  It damages the overall democratic process. Due to the lack of democracy in party politics, there is development of dynastic rule.  This phenomenon is a significant factor in the party politics of Bangladesh which is a hindrance to the formation of democratic governance. The question is what makes democracy dysfunctional in Bangladesh? Is it political institutions that are defective? Is it the political parties and party system that are problematic? This article argues that it is the lack of democracy within political parties that results in the democratic deficit at the national level. This paper is based on secondary sources including books, journals, research reports, newspaper articles and online resources.

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