ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
Call for paper
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Call for Papers for Academic Journals
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Call for paper
Call for Papers for Academic Journals

Call for Papers for Academic Journals



  1. Society and change (ISSN : 1997-1052)

Society and change is an international double blind peer-reviewed and open access journal of social science which publishes articles on the broader areas of multidiscipline, and authors and editors are from all over the world. It has been publishing four issues every year since 2007. Society & Change is published by Osder Publications (, one of the leading academic publishers in Bangladesh in collaboration with Netinsearch International (




   2. Journal of Governance and Innovation (ISSN: 2312-5551)

The Journal of Governance and Innovation (JGI) is an international peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles on the broader areas of multidiscipline with special reference to governance and innovation. It has been publishing two issues every year since 2015. The JGI is published by Osder Publications (, one of the leading academic publishers in Bangladesh in collaboration with Netinsearch International ( and Centre for Administrative Research and Innovation (CARI), University of Dhaka.




3. Journal of Business Management and Compliance (ISSN: 2523-1413) 

The Journal of Business Management and Compliance is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal which publishes articles on the broader areas of business and economics. It has been publishing two issues every year since 2018. The journal is published by Osder Publications (, one of the leading academic publishers in Bangladesh in collaboration with Netinsearch International (





1. Manuscript Preparation 

Manuscript Components: The manuscript should have the following components: title, abstract, text, footnotes, references, and as appropriate, tables, and figures, etc.

Word Counts: The word count for article will be between 3500-5000, including abstract, and references.

Title: The title includes title of the paper, a word count for text only, and the full name(s) of author(s).

Abstract: A structured abstract of no more than 300 words is required. The abstract should be focused on the following aspects: brief statement of the problem with research question(s)/ objective(s), methodology, major findings, and conclusion of the article.

Key Words: Author(s) is/are also requested to mention 3 to 5 key words or short phrases that will be sufficient to describe the content of the manuscript text.

Text: The text of the manuscript for original research article should include the following headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods (study design, sample size and sampling, measures, statistical methods and ethical approval), Results, Discussion and Conclusion.

References: Author(s) is/are requested to follow the APA (America Psychological Association) Referencing Style strictly for both in text citation and at the end of text. In case of any inconsistency with the APA Referencing Style, the manuscript will be send back to the author(s) for revising the reference.

Confirmation: The authors must confirm by themselves the originality of the manuscript, absence of plagiarism, and proper references and citations. The author(s) also should affirm that he/she/they are solely responsible for the opinions and explanations expressed in the manuscript.

2. Manuscript Submission

Submission: Manuscripts written in English only could be submitted to the mentioned email address. Acceptable manuscript file format for online submission is MS Word, not PDF. Eleven (11) point font size of Calibri font type, double-space text, and unjustified right margin should be used.

Submission Checklist: Author(s) is/are requested to check their submission's compliance with the following items as part of the submission process:

  • The paper has not been previously published, or submitted to any other journal for consideration
  • The paper is in MS Word format
  • The manuscript adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the Journal.

 3. Publication Process 

The publication process is consisting with the following steps. The ultimate objectives of this process are to ensure quality. Full process will be completed within 2-3 months.

  • After receiving the manuscript we will send a confirmation e-mail to the author.
  • Manuscripts will be checked by Plagiarism checker software.
  • Primary quality will be checked by the Editor.
  • The manuscript will be sent for double blinded review.
  • Based on the double blinded review editor will take decision and the decision will be communicated to the author. Decisions can be three types like accepted without revision, resubmission with major/minor revisions, rejected.


4. Review Process

All manuscripts submitted will be primarily screened, evaluated, and later peer-reviewed by two anonymous experts and corresponding author will be communicated through email to notify the receipt of manuscript and editorial decisions regarding acceptance or rejection.

Authors are requested to submit full name(s), designation/institutional affiliation, highest academic degree(s), contact address(es), and email address(es) of the author(s).