ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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Social Security for the Rural Elderly Women in India
Jayanta Choudhury

Social security is a right to every living human beings of our society. This security can be provided by family, government and different social organizations for protection of individuals especially underprivileged and vulnerable. The study focuses on the group of disadvantaged elderly persons (above 60 years) of our society. After 60 years, peoples are transferred in the group of silvers (a term coined now across the world by organization working for the elderly person) where they are unable to do the work like the younger generation (15-59 years). The elderly women of that group are facing more problems in comparison with elderly man as found in the study area. In most of the families, main bread earner is male members and the females are financially depending on male members. After the death of the husband, again female elderly persons depend on their children. As they are financially dependent on others, so their rights and securities are also ignored. More than half (52%) elderly women are being marginalized from their families and societies and not getting proper respect. Random sampling method was used to confine the data from the country. The data has been collected through structured interview schedule and non-participatory observation method. The main objective of the study was to know the overall status of elderly women in the country and to know the facilities that are available for elderly women. This study will also find out the gaps for various insecurities among the elderly person in terms of family, health, financial, physical, legal security and societal security.

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