ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
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Social Acceptance of Special Children with Autism Challenges of Parents in Bangladesh
Rozina Khanam

Autism is a complicated developmental disability. It is a neuro-developmental disorder that is characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior as well as by unique strengths and differences. We know that there are many types of autism, each caused by different combinations of genetic and environmental influences. Though there is not any specific statistic on the cases of special children but the number is not negligible. It’s an increasing fact for Bangladesh. Our society, alternatively fails to accept children who are suffering from autism. A majority of parents, left with no choice locks up their kids at home and do not allow them to socialize. Experts in the medical field point out that social acceptance about autism can go a long way in making children who suffer from autism comfortable and this can help them live a better life. Lots of initiative has been taken as well is continuing to mitigate disability and autism issue but social awareness and parents’ sufferings are not in consideration yet. Aim of this research is to increase awareness of the society about autism and to rise participation of the family and the community to overcome the challenges. To fulfill the aim, situation analysis was undertaken through open end questionnaire survey on various respondents like Parents, family members, neighbors, relatives and therapists from Dhaka, Bogra & Jessor district. Questionnaire has been designed after intensive investigation of existing literature from home and abroad as well as from practical situation. Response was explanatory and analysis has done on summary. Observed that, social negligence and lack of understanding has a greater impact on development of autistic children as well increase suffering and insecurity of parents. Ideas have been provided based on result of analysis.

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