ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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Prevention of Cyber Crimes in Bangladesh
Md. Raziur Rahman

Computer crime, also referred to as cyber crime, has increased in severity and frequency in the recent years and because of this it has become a major concern of attention for the companies, universities and organizations. The governments across the world, police departments and intelligence units have started to react to cyber crimes. This study provides an overview of cyber crime and examines awareness in different respondents on the issue of cyber crimes in Bangladesh as well as emphasizes the severity of the problem and the urgent need to limit its impact worldwide. It is pertinent to mention that without creating a precise legal framework enabling law-enforcement agencies to identify cyber offenders and prosecute them it is almost impossible to prevent cyber-attacks and cyber crimes in Bangladesh. The present technical protection measures in the prevention of cyber-crimes in the country there are many circles and cases wherein such technology is not available or failed or circumvented by a number of barriers. To remove all such obstacles, the existence of a proper legal frame-work is of great importance for recreating and maintaining cyber-security.

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