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Child Labour Decreases School Attendance: A Case Study of Patuakhali, Bangladesh
Kanamik Kani Khan, Anamik Ani Khan, Md. Sofi Ullah

The study aims to understand the determinants of child labour that hamper school attendance of the children. The researchers have used realism research philosophy and mixed research methods to accomplish the study. The research methodology refers that primary data is collected by questionnaire survey and interview survey with children from 7 to 14 years old, and four experts about child labour. The findings of the study represent the causes of low school attendance and increase of child labour. The analysis reviews the characteristics of the children’s parents and household condition those are forcing children to be child labour instead of having education. The factors of child labour are identified as poor family income, parents’ educational status, number of family members, and land of household. Children from 10 to 14 years old are likely to study and work together for supporting their family’s household activities and income generation.

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