ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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The Role of International NGOs in Global Governance
Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in global settings or simply known as International NGOs are often called global civil society since they play an important role in human rights and the sociopolitical, economic and cultural development of the people in both domestic and international settings. International NGOs, which are also called transnational NGOs play more active role in developing countries than in developed countries in sociopolitical, economic and cultural development and in protecting human rights. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) both in domestic and international settings are working to the elimination of the structural causes of poverty, to the realization of human rights, to protect the environment and to achieve sustainable patterns of development. As one of the key international players, NGOs in international settings very much affect the shaping of global governance by influencing the making global standards. This paper provides an insight into understanding the roles of international NGOs in addressing the key issues of global governance, such as promoting political, economic, social or cultural development of the developing nations, dealing with environment and ecological issues, and promoting human rights.

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