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The Training Needs Assessment for the Street Children Development Program in Bangladesh
A.K.M. Jamal Uddin, Hassan Imam Khandaker

Training Needs Assessment (TNA) of the staff working for street children programme in Bangladesh is a conscious effort to evaluate the individuals in respect to their attitudes and knowledge, information and skills they provide for their particular job in the organization. Training is the means by which competence level of the worker is raised to match his/her job demands adequately and thereby maximize organizational output. The philosophy or concept of training is relevant only in the context of organization which is an association of a number of people who have consciously opted to work together for some common purpose. For achieving the purpose, certain activities are to be performed by the members. An activity or a group of related activities assigned to a person is what a job technically means. In this milieu, TNA becomes increasingly important as the organization grows in size and complexity. The findings of the TNA are applied to design the training programme as per requirement of the job of the staff as well as smooth operation of the programme activity. This generally makes an impact on such attitudinal changes of a person that would make him better suited to his jobs. It is an attempt to increase his productivity towards a better outcome of the organization. The success of an organization and its continuity depends upon efficient performance of the various jobs that it has. Relating these issues of training, this article is an attempt to understand the conceptual measurements of Training Needs Assessment (TNA) for the Street Children Programme in Bangladesh.

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