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Factors Influencing Employee Absenteeism: A Study on the Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
Tanuza Nath, Ethica Tanjeen

Employee’s absenteeism is a major financial burden for businesses as it causes loss of productivity. It has become a very important issue that needs to be resolved. This study aims at examining the reasons of absenteeism of employees in the private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Call centers are selected for the study as their businesses are running successfully in all aspects. A sample of 80 respondents is taken to conduct this study. The convenient sampling technique has been used to select the respondents. Required data are collected through questionnaires and the instrument for data collection is comprised of 5 points Likert Scale. Findings revealed that there is a correlation among workload, lack of freedom, poor salary, unfavorable superior-subordinate relationships, poor work environment, long working hour, job insecurity and absenteeism. The study also shows that outside commitment, non-supportive peer, transport services are not significantly correlated with absenteeism. Finally, the study offers some recommendations to minimize the level of absenteeism and directions for further research.

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