ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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Status of Female Workers in Readymade Garment Sectors of Bangladesh: A Theoretical Analysis
Md. Mohiuddin

Ready Made Garment is one of the leading sectors of Bangladesh economy which has a remarkable contribution to our foreign currency and export business. The expansion of Ready Made Garment sectors in Bangladesh has been possible due to available and cheap labour of women. This paper has usually been formulated on theoretical basis but has tried to show the present status of women in readymade garment sectors of Bangladesh through empirical data analysis collected from different authentic sources. The study actually described the contribution of women in garment sectors, their social, health, economic status, the participation of women in garment sectors, their legal rights in readymade garment sectors following national and international laws, policies, norms, rules and regulations etc. Besides, the core problems that women are facing in readymade garment sectors have critically designed with some recommendations to draw attention of government, garment owners and stakeholders.

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