ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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Consequences of Social Change in Japan: Lessons for Bangladesh
Md. Jahangir Alam

Japan has achieved rapid progress in many social improvement, there is a remarkable process of social changes much of the progress has resulted from the increased public awareness created by effective social mobilization.  To erect a structural illustration of the Japanese society, assimilate the major distinguish features to be found in Japanese life which shown a number of communities--industrial enterprise, government organization, educational institutional, intellectual groups, religious communities, political parties, village communities, and so on. This article draws the consequences of social changes in Japan and lessons for Bangladesh which led process with other possible pathways to social development such as through education and enlightens. Continued progress or changes may become difficult without larger public awareness and an improvement in social service delivery. To discover whether Japanese educators are utilizing the autonomy provided by this decentralization effort to explore aspects of social change via international understanding, human rights, and multicultural schooling. This is a comprehensive valuation of the changes in socio-economic conditions of Bangladesh. Some significant gaps yet to be filled in achieving the development and social change in Bangladesh for its inventive approaches in fighting scarcity and its successes in such areas of Social problems.

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