ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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Rationality of Restraining the Practice of Polygamy: Hegelian Discourse
Mohammad Mamunur Rashid

Taking More than one wife is called polygamy. Traditional Islamic and classical Hindu law permits it. It practically creates obstacles to ensure the ideal family, society ultimately state. Probably for this reason, the political scientist, Hegel emphasized on the monogamy to create an ideal state. This article will argue what should be done in the national legislation from Religious and Hegelian aspects. This article will also argue that those who are accusing Islam or any other religion for its permission are not acquainted with the religiosity of life. As the solemnization of the Polygamy creates the breach of the standing of the ideal society in the modern age, so it is the proper time for abolition of this type of practice. It will also not forget to criticize the present Muslim laws regarding polygamy which actually reiterated the practice of patriarchal society. If the abolition of the polygamy is not possible, the law of polygamy should be accommodated providing the equitable conditions upon which husband would be able to be polygamous.

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