ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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A Bid-adieu to the Buddhist Philosophy, Praxis and Preaching: Experiences at Rumtek
Jenia Mukherjee

This article tries to narrate the Buddhist encounter with the modernist-globalist trends. To depict this encounter it critically reflects that though Buddhism practiced in several monasteries of different parts of the world like: Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, etc. could adjust and adapt it with the current changes, making the doctrines more relevant and practical, but on the contrary, Rumtek monastery at Sikkim suffered the fate of decline. Why, when, and how did this occur? The study reveals these aspects based upon personal experiences of the site (Rumtek) and positioning the past and present of the monastery within the broader framework of the history of Buddhism from the ancient time through the medieval period to the modern age.   

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