“Money is no more a problem for Bangladesh Government” said, Saifur Rahman, the former Finance Minister (2001-2006), Government of Bangladesh. It is true that Bangladesh is generating a reasonable amount of domestic income in the recent years, collecting a huge remittance from the money sent by the emigrants, and getting substantial fund (in shape of Grants, loans, aids etc) from the donor countries and agencies every year for its’ Annual Development Plan (ADP) as well as for the long term development projects. Despite collecting money for the development projects visible and significant change is yet to be brought about. The main problem, as the scholars point out in the several dialogues arranged by the civil society, lies in the money management. With the high degree of corruption, according to the Transparency International ranking in the recent years, in form of misappropriation of the wealth in the public sector and lately the prologue of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) persuaded Bangladesh Government to set off public financial management reform.