ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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Attaining Sustainable Development: Bangladesh's Progress in SDG Localization
Mohammad Jahangir Hossain Mojumder

Bangladesh has realised the importance of localisation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Without incorporating the concerned people in planning and implementing through localisation, the SDGs remains unattained. Localisation of the SDGs means defining the scopes, planning out strategies for actions and implementing the SDGs at the local level. The objective of the study is to explore Bangladesh’s approach for and progress in attaining sustainable development indicating challenges. The study has followed integrative literature review as a method as it offers insights from different literature and data sets to draw a logical conclusion by assessing outcomes. In Bangladesh, government has taken initiatives for localisation. The country has chalked out a framework for localisation and included localisation components in annual and five-year plans at the national and the sub-national level. It has boarded on a course of localisation of 12 SDGs signifying 40 (39 national plus 1 local) priority indicators. Further efforts include extensive awareness campaigns, the development of action plans at the local level, formation of coordination committees at LGIs, and the organization of workshops at different levels. Bangladesh’s approach to enable local government bodies like divisions, district councils, and Upazila Parishads to implement effective methods and allocate resources to achieve targets of SDGs have seen progress over the years but requires more decentralization in terms of authority and resources. However, challenges like resource mobilisation, inadequate skills, weak participatory culture, lack of political commitment, insufficient collaboration, and unfavourable legal framework impede smooth localisation of SDGs. Therefore, the government must empower the local government with qualified personnel along with the development of analytical frameworks to implement SDGs.

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