ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
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Attitude towards and Relationship with Deserted Women: Bangladesh Context
Neaz Ahmed, Abul Kashem

The paper attempts to focuses mainly on the attitude towards and social relationship with deserted women in the context of Bangladesh. With the objectives of an in-depth exploration on these issues, the study was conducted in Sylhet city of Bangladesh using qualitative research design and purposive sampling method. Data was collected from 25 participants by using unstructured interview guides and tape recordings were used for collecting data. In the context of Bangladeshi society, desertion has been seen a very common phenomenon with complex views different from many societies. In most of the cases extra marital relationship or second marriage of husband without consent of existing wife is found the prime cause of desertion. Having mixed opinions about social view, generally it is negative reported by the significant numbers of the participants. More than one third blamed our traditional male dominant social structure where women have less or no place to ensure their position. Their acceptance to wider society and social support system depend on how society evaluates them as deserted women with compare to other women. Even their acceptance and access among relatives (both father-in-law and mother-in-law) also influenced by the social context. Except few, majority of them (fifteen) did not have any form of contact where rest of them has direct or indirect contact. Despite having hostile social context, participants have been enjoying warm affection and support from their parents. Attitude and cooperation of the neighbors towards the deserted women were tried to explore. Though few of them have very positive experiences regarding the issue but many of them were found reluctant about it.

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