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Violence against Women: Policies, Practices and Challenges in Bangladesh
Toufica Sultana, Shahriar Khandaker

Violence against women (VAW) is a global phenomenon. As many as 87% married women suffer physical, psychological, sexual even economic violence by their spouses in Bangladesh (VAW 2011, 2013).The first half of the paperoffers a comprehensive review of the prevalence of different types of violence against women such as physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence by their partner and non-partner;and causes, consequences, risk factors andperceptions about these violence against women.  Thesecond half of the research points out the major policy guidelinesespecially Women Development Policy 2011combating violence against womento guarantee equality, social justice and sustainable development in Bangladesh. The study maintains quantitative tactic of data analysis using the data of Violence Against Women Survey 2011 conducted by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).It also includes reviewing the violence against women related research, reports and other documents as well as thereby recommends possible policy measures to combat violence against women in Bangladesh. The findings of the study reveal that violence against women causesphysical and mental health problems as well as loose of right and access to financial and other resources. Evidences show that poor practices of policies and lack of holistic participation have geared up the challenges battling violence against women in Bangladesh. Instead of current ideology, there is great scope to use postmodern feminist standpoints;and proper implementation of policies to safeguardsocial justice.

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