ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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A Review of Major Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh: Gender Focus
Momtaz Jahan

Gender remains a focal issue generally in the wider perspective of the society and within the development circles in particular. The very basic pre-condition of the development agenda is connected with the mainstreaming of women through gender specific policies. It is therefore imperative that women’s concerns be placed high in the policy agenda of the government.The issue of development of women, the grossly under privileged section of population depends largely on the policies and practices of the government.  There is a widespread recognition that administrative reform has become a core development strategy around the world. Bangladesh has a long history of administrative reform committees /commissions. The purpose of this paper is to review the major administrative reform efforts in Bangladesh in order to understand how and how well women’s development issues were addressed in the context of policy reforms in the administrative arena. Accordingly this paper briefly reviews the major administrative reform efforts in the country and after that it tries to assess the gender sensitivity of these policy reforms.

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