ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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Women and Outside Work in Bangladesh: An Analysis
Naznin Islam

Despite of the equality of man-woman ratio in Bangladesh, the importance and potentialities of women have been disregarded in socio-economic developments till today. Right from their birth women are neglected in food sharing, education, work, independent thinking, right to property, choice and matters of decision making. But now everybody realize that without the contribution and participation of women the proper development and prosperity of the country cannot be possible. Empowerment of women in economic, political and social fields is considered one of the preconditions for ensuring equal participation of women in all sphere of life. If women can hold socio-economic and political power, then they will be able to gain control over their lives and social institutions those regulates all aspects of their lives. So to improve the backward and in awareness situation, government and non-government sector takes various initiatives to empower women. As a result it is observed that significant achievements have been made in terms of increase in female literacy and life expectancy rates and reduction in mortality rates. However, it needs to examine to what extent they have become empowered. An attempt has been made here to highlight the impact of these empowerment initiatives on women. More specifically, in this paper author tries to find out female students attitudes towards participation in outside work.

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