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The Language Movement in Chittagong: A Study on Women’s Participation
Mohammad Humayun Kabir

Language Movement is the most valiant manifestation of Bengali nationalism. The Pakistani ruling elite try to establish Urdu as state language by ignoring all democratic norms. But the people of East Pakistan protested against this undemocratic decision and started movement to establish the mother tongue as one of the state language. People, irrespective of gender participated in this movement and this movement spreaded all over East Pakistan not exception in Chittagong. The women’s participation in the movements and struggles in Chittagong are well known. The women of Chittagong willingly participated in anti-British movement and all progressive movements of this country. All foremost women of Chittagong, from Pritilata Waddedar, Kalpana Datta to Pronoti Dastidar, Protiva Mudsuddy, everyone participated from anti-British movement to all the forthcoming movements of Bangladesh. They also actively participated in the Language Movement. The women’s participation in the Language Movement of Chittagong and their roles are critically examined in this article.

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