ISSN : 1997-1052 (Print)
2227-202X (Online)
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Building Future Scenario of Political Conflicts of Bangladesh
A.T.M. Abdullahel Shafi , Shanjida Akan

Bangladesh politics, particularly conflicts in Bangladesh politics is critical to economic and social future of the nation. The paper aims to develop the social, economic, social and political foreseeable scenario of Bangladesh by the year 2050 (Vision 2050). In examining the Vision 2050, we would Start from the analyzes of the types of  conflicts within the  political parties in the governance process, lack of leaderships, state incapacity and lack of public accountability, corruptions of the political leaderships and political trends such as political conflicts among the political parties and the democratization processes, social upheaval, human rights. This article presents the alternative models for Political Conflicts of Bangladesh by establishing a set of scenarios based on the current model and future trends of the political conflicts of Bangladesh. The first section gives a brief overview of the past political trends and the main forces that drive changes in the system. The second section discusses the project undertaken in scenario building which aims to develop alternative models of Politics of Bangladesh. The alternative scenarios conceptualized provide three main paradigms on the future model of politics of Bangladesh. The concluding section highlights the importance of understanding the scenarios applied to the future of the Bangladesh politics as well as of understanding the changing role and contribution of conflicts in Bangladesh politics in the future.

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